
- 3 min read

Working From Home: Top Tips For Success

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When first launching a new business, your office space can vary on a day-to-day basis. For many new business owners, this means working most days from a shared office space, family homes or while traveling. Though working remotely provides the flexibility and cost-savings that most new business owners need, it can also stunt productivity. Even without a consistent working space, it’s important to prioritize work quality and efficiently.

Here are four top tips for staying productive while working from home:

Develop a dedicated work space

When working from home, it’s important to create a space that is exclusively used for work. Working from a bed or a couch can make your work day seem like a day off and leave you feeling lazy or tired.  Creating a dedicated space also helps you mentally feel prepared for work and helps you avoid using your time for personal tasks, such as laundry, cooking or cleaning.

Tip: If your space is small, consider purchasing a standing desk. But, be sure to avoid using it for dual purposes, like storing personal items.

Create a consistent morning routine

Although working from home erases the need for a morning commute, it’s still important to create a solid morning routine that helps energize you and prepare you for work. Rather than waking up five minutes before you plan to start working, give yourself more time—that way, you aren’t beginning your day in a rush. This could mean taking a shower, exercising or cooking yourself breakfast.  

Tip: Be sure to change out of your pajamas and into something you’d wear to work.  

Form a work schedule

Developing a comprehensive daily work schedule is useful for any new business owner—especially for those working from home. Mapping out your entire day and sharing your schedule with co-workers who are working in different offices will help you stay on track and facilitate effective communication with those you’re working with.

Tip: Dedicate time in your schedule for breaks, lunch and any personal errands—that way nothing slows down your productivity unexpectedly.

Avoid distractions

Distractions can seem unavoidable when working from home. However, anticipating disruptions can help you effectively address them. With no one around, you may feel more tempted to check social media, surf the web or watch television. Be proactive by removing social media links from your history, setting up your workspace away from the television and turning of your notifications on your phone.

Tip: If you are working in a space with others, set ground rules and keep them informed of when you need quiet.

New business owners often need flexibility when it comes to both work hours and work locations. Although working remotely offers many benefits, including flexibility, business owners must be aware of its drawbacks and ensure their productivity isn’t suffering. Being proactive and anticipating potential distractions will help new and seasoned business owners find work from home success.