
- 2 min read

Simple Steps For Building Your First Company Website

img of Simple Steps For Building Your First Company Website

An exciting milestone for any small business owner is launching your first company website. Doing so means you’re up and running and ready to start engaging with clients and customers. Your site is a crucial channel for getting your name out there, so it’s important to ensure it’s the best it can possibly be.

Here are three simple steps for success in building your first company website.

1)   Pick a domain

Choosing an effective domain name is an important first. To ensure your site gains traction and attention, your domain must clearly align with your company name, brand and voice. It’s also important to avoid names that include things like dashes or abbreviations.

Tip: Invest in buying your domain name. Use sites like GoDaddy and NameMesh to see what’s available.

2)   Design the site

Once you’ve settled on your domain name, the next step is to actually build your site. Not only is it important to ensure that the design is visually engaging and welcoming to visiting customers, it must also be streamlined for optimal efficiency and usability.

Tip: Sites like SquareSpace and TemplateMonster have pre-generated designs and templates you can use and draw inspiration from.

3)   Add the features you need

Depending on the details of your company, your website will need particular features. If you’re selling products online, you’ll need an e-commerce tool, like Magento. If you’re a consulting or customer service company, you’ll need a chat function, like LiveChat.

Tip: No matter what kind of company you are, ensure that your contact information is front and center. One popular option is a contact form.

Never underestimate the power of a strong and comprehensive company website. By investing time and the financial resources needed to build a compelling site, you’re taking the first step toward long-term business success.