
- 3 min read

Member Spotlight: Tati Vitsic

img of Member Spotlight: Tati Vitsic

At, we value our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Tati Vitsic, a Brazilian artist who specializes in textiles and surface design and owner of Pommy New York. Read about her journey from Brazil to NYC.


HUMANS: Why did you decide to start freelancing/start your own business?

TATI: I started freelancing in 2012 after quitting my full-time job in Brazil to pursue another career and go back to school in New York City. Two years later, I created my own textile and surface design brand called “Pommy New York.” I’ve always wanted to design for children, and this way I could create my own prints and sell them.


HUMANS: What’s the best business advice you ever received?

TATI: I’ve always heard from my father that we should study, work hard, persevere and not give up on our dreams. I was also inspired by the story of Walt Disney and his quotes about having the courage to pursue your dreams. One of his quotes that represents my way of thinking is: “Most of my life I have done what I wanted to do. I have had fun on the job.” I think it is a privilege to do what we love!


HUMANS: Why do you love the work that you do?

TATI: I’ve loved making art since I was a kid. I used to make stickers and drawings to sell at school to my friends, some of my dolls’ clothes were designed by me and every year I made the cover for my calendar. When I went to graphic design college in Brazil, I started making my own hand-painted shirts and selling them to classmates. Years later, I ended up specializing in textile/surface design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, which was my big passions and something I had been doing my whole life in a certain way. Everything I do has an artistic touch—either at work or on a personal level. I always need to be creating something. I just love art, crafts and design!


HUMANS: Explain one instance when your work really impacted a client’s life.

TATI: I designed a promotional website for a fashion brand that won an Interactive Media Award (IMA) in the Fashion Category. Later on, I started working as a textile designer in New York City for a company that had big clients in the children’s apparel industry, and after being hired to do work for only one of their clients, they started to give me work for many of their clients. That was recognition that my work was impacting many companies.


HUMANS: What advice would you give to others who are afraid to pursue their passions?

TATI: It’s hard for me to understand how someone can be afraid of pursuing their passions. If you already know what you love, you should consider yourself halfway there already! It’s hard to be an artist, but wouldn’t it be much worse not to be? If you have a passion or a gift, go for it!


To learn more about Tati and her business, visit her profile:

Stay tuned for more spotlights on members from our diverse and growing community.