
- 3 min read

Member Spotlight: Serene

img of Member Spotlight: Serene

At, we appreciate our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with singer and songwriter Serene Salinas and Coco Salinas who plays piano and guitar. Read about their approach to music, gigs, and life.

Humans: Please tell us about yourself! Do you feel that you chose music as your passion, or did it choose you?

Serene and Coco: Music and we found our way to each other since a very young age. It was a very mutual accord. Humans: When did you know you want to make this your profession?

Serene and Coco: For Serene, it was ever since she was a little girl, from singing along to Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Celine Dion to sitting people in the living and perform for them! For Coco it was Ever since he was a little boy in Argentina and heard sounds of a Guitar from a Distance, he was enamored by it and has been playing his guitar ever since. Humans: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Serene and Coco: For Serene, it’s Mariah Carey, because of her amazing gift and persistence to succeed. For Coco, it’s Carlos Santana because of his Amazing Guitar Skills and determination. Humans: Is there anything special that you do to get into a creative mindset?

Serene and Coco: We both meditate, it helps our balance in our soul and in life. It is very important. Humans: What do you think about the internet as a tool for promoting yourself and your music?

Serene and Coco: The Internet is so great for us artists, we can now share our stories and music all over the world. On we have found a community of people just like us who offer their talents and services to consumers. It’s very easy to use, Feedback is guaranteed. Humans: What is your approach to building a relationship with clients?

Serene and Coco: Our approach is: always be professional, be clear about the message you are sending; from your songs to your image and show only the best. Humans: What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Serene and Coco: Our advice for someone wanting to follow our footsteps is “Don’t Give Up” the road is very difficult but it is not impossible to reach your goal. Believe in yourself even when no one else does and be the best version of yourself!

To learn more about Serene, visit her profile:


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