
- 2 min read

Member Spotlight: Patrick Stogner

img of Member Spotlight: Patrick Stogner

At, we value our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Patrick Stogner, a screenwriter, singer and actor who’s been working in the industry since he was five!

HUMANS: Can you tell us a bit about your talent or skills?

PATRICK: Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been acting and singing—so that’s really been my life. I also studied screenwriting in college—diving into things like film structure, theory and critique. Now I’m living in Los Angeles and working in the entertainment industry.


HUMANS: When did you first become interested in these fields?

PATRICK: My first professional acting gig was when I was five. I started singing on Broadway when I was six, and then I started working in film when I was about nine. I started writing later on when I was in high school and college.


HUMANS: What are you hoping to achieve on

PATRICK: When I first saw, it looked like a cool site for promoting yourself. I’ve been trying to put myself out on any kind of social media or job site. Obviously the services I can provide aren’t necessarily marketable in a way where I can just go on LinkedIn and apply for a job. I’ve been trying to get myself out there in as many ways as possible, so someone might see me and think: “he seems like a good writer” or “I need someone like him for a project.”


HUMANS: What is your favorite thing about the work that you do?

PATRICK: Acting and singing have been in my blood since I was so young that it’s really impossible to not love both. You get to lie when you’re an actor—you get to be someone else and live in someone else’s skin for a bit—it’s very enjoyable.


To learn more about Patrick and his many talents, visit his profile:

Stay tuned for more spotlights on skilled members of our diverse community.