
- 4 min read

Member Spotlight: Nicole Hoffman

img of Member Spotlight: Nicole Hoffman

At, we value our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Nicole Hoffman, a talented web designer, e-commerce specialist, copy writer and vegan-expert. Learn about her skills, background and how she combined all her passions into the perfect job!

HUMANS: To start, tell us a little about your talent or skill?

NICOLE: The few things that I’m an expert at are: 

  • Squarespace web design
  • E-commerce consulting—I advise people on how to set up their online stores.
  • Copy writing
  • Coaching—if people want to learn Squarespace, I’m there with them, sharing my screen and walking them through every step. That way, they feel empowered to build the site themselves.

HUMANS: When did you start working in the web design field?

NICOLE: I worked at Squarespace for 3 years, so I’ve been in this space for about 4 or 5 [years]. I started just doing it on the side for friends and family, and then it became my full-time business. I work with people all over the country and sometimes in other countries. Everyone wants a website—not just a website, but a good website. That’s what I’m here to provide.


HUMANS: How did you get interested in this?

NICOLE: I went to NYU and took a class in web design, which peaked my interest. I’ve always been into how something or someone is presented. I started out in the writing space and enjoyed coming up with creative copy. So putting those two interests together, I ended up in the perfect job for me.


HUMANS: It seems like you found the perfect job for all your skills!

NICOLE: I didn’t graduate college and think: “I’m going to be a web designer.” I had no idea what I wanted to do. It all fell into place once I realized that I could put my writing to good use by writing really engaging, creative website copy.


HUMANS: That’s exactly what we’re trying to promote on Humans!

NICOLE: I like working with other creatives—people like me who are providing a service. Those are usually the kinds of people I build websites for. It’s awesome to be in that beginning stage of “Ok I’m really good at this. How can I brand myself to be an authority on the topic?” That’s ultimately what a freelancer is all about—people come to you for something very specific. It’s great that with Humans you can own your niche.


HUMANS: What’s your favorite thing about the work that you do?

NICOLE: I like how I can push myself creatively. I always like learning about a different industry and taking on something new. Just pushing myself to think outside the box and outside what my personal interests are—that’s the fun part of what I do.


HUMANS: We noticed you also had an offer for vegan personal shopping.

NICOLE: That’s actually one of my areas of expertise. I’ve done a lot of blogging for other    websites on vegan and sustainable fashion. I’ve been vegan for 6 years and back then [veganism] wasn’t so big. Even now, a lot of people know what it is but have a hard time figuring out what that means in their daily lives. I have a blog and people email me asking for help finding products and things like that.


HUMANS: Why did you join the community?

NICOLE: I like how easy it is to navigate—the fact that you have offers and you put them out there makes it very simple for people. A lot of times there’s confusion when reaching out to a freelancer. The fact that people know what they’re getting up front makes it very transparent and an easy transaction overall.


Every month we’ll be profiling a different skilled member of the community. To learn more about Nicole and her many talents, visit her profile: