
- 3 min read

Member Spotlight: Nesreen Mahmoud

img of Member Spotlight: Nesreen Mahmoud

At, we value our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Nesreen Mahmoud, a life, grief and business coach. Learn about her skills and how a job as a Broadway wardrobe person put her on the right career path.

HUMANS: To start, can you tell us a little about what you do as life coach?

NESREEN: I started my business about two and half years ago, and I’ve worked with a number of clients. Some have gone through a loss—whether the loss of a loved one due to death or divorce. I’ve also worked with people who wanted to see improvement and results in a new business venture.

I’m lucky that I’ve gotten to work with a lot of people around different things and have helped them to move forward, grow, and expand, while also feel more confident, powerful and connected to the people and work in their lives.


HUMANS: Were you always interested in this career? Or did you start off in a different field?

NESREEN: I didn’t discover coaching until a few years ago. But once I did, I was like “oh my god, this is what I’ve always wanted to do.”

I spent over 15 years working as a wardrobeperson for film, television and Broadway. A lot of my job was helping my actors mentally prepare to be on stage.

I remember as a child thinking all I want to do is help people however they wanted. I spent a lot of time helping people work on things in their lives within the framework of theater, film and television. Now I get to do exactly what I wanted to do as a child.


HUMANS: What do you hope to accomplish through

NESREEN: I was really interested in because I want to connect with more people. I also want to educate them on what life coaches and grief coaches do because more often than not, people call me a counselor or a therapist. I educate people on new ways of dealing with grief as a proactive process. As a coach my job is to help people move forward and as a grief coach it is to help people reflect on what’s happened so they can move forward and process their emotions.


HUMANS: What are your favorite things about the work that you do?

NESREEN:  I love connecting with people and figuring out what makes them tick and what makes them stop—what’s behind that initial response of “no, I’m not going to do that because it’s too big or too scary.”

I also love seeing people make progress where they thought they couldn’t before. I love helping people reach their goals, succeed in life and feel more fulfilled.


Stay tuned for more profiles on different skilled members  from the community. To learn more about Nesreen and her many talents, visit her profile: