
- 3 min read

Member Spotlight: Kristen Ciccolini

img of Member Spotlight: Kristen Ciccolini

At, we value our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Kristen Ciccolini, a holistic nutrition coach, culinary expert and founder of “Good Witch Kitchen.” Read about how a unique gym class sparked her interest in nutrition!

HUMANS: How did you get started as a nutrition coach?

KRISTEN: A few years ago I decided to make fitness a part of my regular routine, and from there I naturally became more interested in health and wellness. I found classes that mixed a high-intensity workout with an informative brunch after, and the instructor would talk about nutrition and what ingredients do for our bodies—I was fascinated. Between that and a family member being hospitalized for digestive issues, I thought hard about how the food we eat really affects us. I began to learn more on my own and then enrolled in the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. I was officially certified as a Culinary Nutrition Expert last January and was able to leave my marketing job last June to focus on Good Witch Kitchen!


HUMANS: Why did you decide to start freelancing/start your own business?

KRISTEN: Having started my career as a freelance writer after college, I know that I work best for myself when I’m creating my own schedule. When I made my career change into nutrition, I knew it was time for me to go back to self-employment and work on my passion of helping others create healthier lives for themselves.


HUMANS: What’s the best business advice you ever received?

KRISTEN: Just DO IT! (No, I didn’t get it from Nike). The one thing that’s helped me the most so far is to say ‘yes’ to just about everything, even when I’m feeling nervous or overwhelmed. Just do it—don’t let your fears own you. You’ll build your confidence, and you might make mistakes, but you will learn lessons to help move you forward and get better every day.


HUMANS: Can you explain one instance when your work really impacted a client’s life?

KRISTEN: People tell me all the time that they had no idea eating healthy could actually taste good—that’s music to my ears. But, the most meaningful thing is when those who have really stressful issues around eating begin to grow their mindset around nutrition and become more comfortable with their relationship to food.


HUMANS: Why do you love what you do?

KRISTEN: I love what I do because I’m spreading powerful knowledge that can truly change people’s lives. Even if someone leaves one of my classes with just a little nugget of information, that could lead them to make a small change or do a little bit of their own research—it could eventually have a snowball effect. I’m happy to help my clients and students in any way that I can by teaching them how to make healthier choices in their everyday lives.


To learn more about Kristen and her business, visit her profile:

Stay tuned for more spotlights on members from our diverse and growing community.