
- 3 min read

Member Spotlight: Carlos

img of Member Spotlight: Carlos

At, we appreciate our community of skilled members! For our next Member Spotlight, we sat down with Carlos Campillo Rubio, Hatha Yoga Instructor and a Dance/Movement Therapist. Read about his approach to yoga and life.

Humans: Please tell us about yourself! When did you realize that you want to start your journey as Yoga Teacher?

Carlos: My name is Carlos I’m a Certified Yoga Teacher and Dance Movement Therapist currently living in Philadelphia Greater area. I discovered yoga when I started dancing 14 years ago, as a tool to improve my flexibility. I was dancing a lot and wasn’t taking care of my body so I started having a lot of injuries because of bad alignment and muscle overstress. Four years ago I started getting more interested in Therapeutic and Alignment classes that helped me to reconnect with my body, mind, and soul. After finishing my Master Degree in Dance Movement Therapy I decided that I wanted to become a Yoga Teacher to help other people reconnect with their bodies.

Humans: What was your first class like? Has your approach to yoga changed for years?

Carlos: My first Yoga Experience was a very physical and orthodoxal 90-minute class, then I started practicing Vinyasa and Bikram and when I decided to become a Yoga Teacher, I trained in Hatha, Anusara, and Iyengar. So definitely my approach has changed and I am constantly experimenting and integrating new learnings.

Humans: What are the marketing instruments you use to promote your business?/How do you attract clients?  

Carlos: I always like the more personal way to get new clients, but I like using platforms like to make my work more visible, as well I try to create interesting content for my social media.

Humans: How have you found the best way to relate to your clients? Do you let them become friends? Do you keep a professional distance? What works best?

Carlos: I think it’s very important to have a professional setting but always towards building a deep connection with the needs of each client.

Humans: Do you vary your teaching in line with the seasons?

Carlos: I do, I believe that every moment is unique and that in Yoga we work with the present moment.

Humans: For you personally, not necessarily in your professional life, what role does yoga play for you?

Carlos: Yoga has become part of my life, it has given me a new awareness of the way I behave and communicate with the world. It connects me with my self and with others in a very simple and natural way.

Humans: Do you see your job as a transformative force in people’s lives?

Carlos: I definitely believe that Yoga is a fantastic tool to allow people to connect with themselves and that is a very powerful tool for transformation.

Humans: A piece of advice for anyone considering to take your career steps?

Carlos: Follow your dream and your intuition, work with love and always trust in your inner voice.

To learn more about Carlos, visit his profile:

Stay tuned for more spotlights on skilled members of our diverse community.

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