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Humans in the Press: Eight Blockchain Platforms by Celebrity Entrepreneurs Set for Launch in 2019

img of Humans in the Press: Eight Blockchain Platforms by Celebrity Entrepreneurs Set for Launch in 2019

New tech is set to disrupt numerous existing markets. Coincodex reviewed best blockchain platforms led by celebrity entrepreneurs. is one of them.

A serial entrepreneur Vlad Dobrynin with decades of international business development experience in start-ups, established brands and blue chip organizations in twelve countries around the world, including large telecommunication operators and the fifth most popular cartoon Booba. Recently he has launched a technologically advanced blockchain platform, which transforms the way modern people live, work and relate to one another.

Created in 2016 as the peer-to-peer network for freelancers, today helps thousands of users globally find professional and personal services, monetize their data, and interact with one another in the most secure decentralized way. The team headed by Dobrynin is leveraging AI and blockchain to solve the drawbacks of existing search systems like Google, which search for information, not for people.

“We meet people’s needs without trying to make money off them”, Dobrynin explains the idea behind the network. This is the idea of getting closer to philanthropy and sharing with customers all the best - technology, security, and money.

While companies like Facebook sell people’s data to advertisers and get billions of dollars a year, Humans intends to share 25% of its revenue with active users of the service who agree to have their data to be used for advertising. It’s as if Facebook or Twitter gave its users one-fourth of its income.

At the initial stage, the project received $10 million in private investments, which were used to develop and test the platform core - search engine, chat engine, and data infrastructure. The pilot phase attracted 220,000 users during the trial run across four US states (New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington) who found the human-to-human approach useful for finding not only a job, but also those who could provide everyday social or personal services.

After the new round of investment, the project plans to rapidly increase the number of its users to two million, and to ten million in the coming years. Considering that in 2016, 55 million Americans worked remotely or as freelancers, these figures look quite realistic.  

Read the full article here: Eight Blockchain Platforms by Celebrity Entrepreneurs Set for Launch in 2019

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