
- 2 min read

How Video Content Can Build Buzz Around Your Business

img of How Video Content Can Build Buzz Around Your Business

Today’s consumer values visual content now more than ever before—and businesses across industries are learning to adapt. Social media platforms are prioritizing viral video content, news publications are ramping up their multimedia content and professional companies are transforming their web pages to favor photos over text.

For individuals looking to start their own businesses or promote an existing business venture, taking advantage of this trend will help position you for success. Here’s how you can use video content to build buzz.

1.) Explainer videos

It’s important for every company to tell its story, highlight its mission and outline the products and services it offers. Most business owners use an “About Us” section on their website—but why not use a video? Explainer videos offer a more engaging, clear and creative way to showcase the fundamentals of your company.

2.) Company spotlights

Developing videos that feature your employees and showcase your positive office culture is a great way to attract new customers, investors and prospective hires. Additionally, they provide a personal inside look into your company’s personality and how it operates on a day-to-day basis.

3.) New product launches

New company products and initiatives provide an opportunity to attract more customers and build awareness about your business. Creating videos that highlight these new features, such as an engaging product demo, offer a visually compelling way to showcase exciting company news that is also easy for audiences to share.

Videos of all types help showcase your company in personal and creative way to potential clients and customers. They also allow you to leverage surging consumer demand for visual content to promote your business. Remember to always cross promote your videos on social media—this will increase views, shares and engagement.