
- 2 min read

How To Succeed In Business: Advice From Entrepreneurs

img of How To Succeed In Business: Advice From Entrepreneurs

Have you ever thought about starting your own business or becoming a freelancer? Uncertainty about where to start or fear of leaving your stable 9-5 job may be preventing you from taking the plunge and following your passions. That’s why it’s important to draw on others who have done it for support and advice!

We asked successful members of our Humans Network: What’s the best business advice you ever received? Here’s what they had to say:

  • The best business advice I've received is to have patience and not get discouraged. Failure is natural and expected. Failure is how you learn and grow. When it happens, embrace failure like an old friend and keep moving forward.” – Sara Hansen, a skilled writer and social media guru
  • “My mom is a multi-talented entrepreneur. She taught me the value of following my curiosity, even beyond the perceived boundaries of my chosen field.” – Rachel Brow, an eco-friendly wardrobe consultant
  • “Don't do spec work, your time is valuable and you shouldn't offer it for free just like you can't come into Starbucks and ask to drink one of their drinks for free with the promise of more business in the future IF you like it. Know your worth, stick to your guns, and avoid clients who are looking for freebies.” – Kit Vassina, a talented digital and print designer
  • “Build an online presence. Through social media and a website, I’m able to present myself to existing and potential clients in a professional and positive way, and I am able to provide quick and easy access to my portfolio. I’ve done a lot of B2B media, and there are myths about freelancers in the business world—we work in our underwear, we’re lazy, we aren’t team players—so I find that it’s crucial to showcase your professionalism if you want to drive new business.” – Jason McDowell, a seasoned journalist and creative writer
Be sure to follow our blog for more business tips, tricks and advice from our Humans Network of skilled and talented professionals.