
- 3 min read

How To Effectively Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

img of How To Effectively Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

In today’s digital world, almost every company—no matter its size, industry or customer base—leverages social media to promote their products or services, engage with key audiences, and grow their customer-base. With the growth and popularity of social media continuing to surge, businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of investing in social media—especially those just getting off the ground.

Here are four important steps every new business should take to effectively use social media:

Get on the right sites

When it comes to social media, less is sometimes more. Today, there are countless social media sites, all with strong user bases—but that doesn’t mean your company should be on all of them. If you can’t generate much visual content, Instagram isn’t for you. If you don’t plan on tapping into relevant industry news, you won’t reap the benefits of Twitter. And if you aren’t looking to make connections with other industry players, LinkedIn won’t benefit your company. Determine what content you want to share and who your key audiences are, then pick the right accounts for your business.

House key company information

Social media sites are often the first place potential clients go to learn more about your business—even before your company website. With that in mind, it’s important to make sure your profiles are comprehensive and up to date. If, for example, you own a restaurant, feature your menu and prices on your profile. If you own a hair and makeup studio, include work samples. Regardless of your industry, include key information such as your phone number, address, hours of operation and a link to your company website.

Interact with clients and customers

One of the biggest benefits of social media for companies is that they provide a space to hear from and respond to your client base. If you simply have an account but aren’t actively monitoring it for customer questions, complaints and compliments, you’re missing out big time. Interacting with clients via social media helps build your company voice and enhance your customer service. You can also drive engagement by asking questions and sharing helpful or interesting content.

When launching your own business, social media is a vital tool for generating growth. These sites are generally free to use—so be sure to leverage all of the helpful resources they provide. Doing so will put your small business on the path for stability, a strong reputation, and long-term success.