
- 2 min read

Biz Advice from the Humans Network

img of Biz Advice from the Humans Network

Starting your own business can seem like a daunting or near-impossible task. The process requires significant risk and uncertainty—and even more hard work and time. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge, it’s important to draw on others for support and advice.

We asked successful members of our Humans Network: What’s the best business advice you ever received? Here’s what they had to say:

  • “You will encounter a lot of setbacks, NO's, and failures. But, if you believe in yourself, your product and your service, there's nothing that can stop you. You just have to keep pushing." – Troy Hugie, a skilled barber
  • “The best business advice I ever received was from my dad. He told me—and I consider it to be the golden piece of advice— ‘be true to yourself and follow your heart; never do something if you do not feel it is right at that time or moving forward.’  Leaving the classroom environment was definitely being true to myself.  I did not feel that it was the right fit for me as I could not help to the capacity I wanted; I could not sit by and watch child after child be left behind and fall through the cracks.” – Ilene Miller, an experienced educator and tutor
  • “No advice is better than the classic ‘believe in your talents and never give up.’  Also, it's extremely important to have a solid support system and surround yourself with goal-oriented people.” – Samantha Shammas, a talented fashion designer
  • ​​“I currently work at a craft store as well, and many of my customers share similar artistic dreams. One mind-blowing quote came from someone who was pretty much a complete stranger to me: ‘Good service is good business.’ In an industry that depends on loyal clients and gaining connections, it only makes sense to provide the best service you can to keep your business alive.” – Franny Pierre, an aspiring artist and illustrator
Be sure to follow our blog for more business tips, tricks and advice from our Humans Network of skilled and talented professionals.